Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A glimpse inside the choas

Sarah in Wonderland:

I am a SAHM (stay at home mom) of a Beautiful little boy, wife of a marine, avid DIY-er, cloth diapering, cloth wipe making, eco-friendly, couponing, eccentric, optimistic, positive woman. I use to work in medical before I had my son and had every intention of going back until he was diagnosed with a heart condition at 2 1/2 weeks. 12 hour shifts become unrealistic once you have seen your child in cardiac arrest. That being said he is happy and healthy despite his condition, in fact he is the happiest baby I have ever seen. He is the light of our lives and the world is a better place with him in it.
My husband is a hard working man and an even harder working father. He spent the first 5 months of our son's life away from us, and the readjustment hasn't been easy for him but he tries everyday to be the best father ever and he does well ;) I am thankful to have such a supportive man. Being the husband of a creative person is not easy, especially of one with a mild case of OCD. I can start 5 projects at one time, then become side-tracked with something and forget about them for weeks, then go crazy because they aren't finished and lock myself in the garage for a day completing them. Also because it is hard to talk to a creative person, for example conversations may go like this:

Husband: Babe why did you spend $80 at home depot?
Me: Because I needed grout and tile. Then I needed the sticky stiff tile goes on. Have you seen the tape measurer? 
Husband: No I haven't. Why do u need grout and tile?
Me: For a mirror. I thought it was just here. Your uniforms are in the dryer. Do you want them hung or folded?
Husband: Folded. Why do you need them for a mirror? Im confused.
Me: In the locker or the closet ?
Husband: What?
Me: your uniforms. I found it.
Husband: Found what ?
Me: the tape measurer.

... bless his heart.
I have recently started couponing, with no real system of organization except for  "Here honey hold these, now put this one in that pocket because I am going to use that one. Now put these in that pocket because I already got those things, put those in here because they are for a different store."
Lordy, he does love me doesn't he?
Not that my husband is without faults. He IS the loudest man I have ever met and does not understand the concept of a whisper ( his whisper is probably normal talking volume). This wouldn't bother me so much if his favorite time to talk wasn't while I am rocking our son to sleep.  -_-
He also leaves the cabinet doors open ARRRGGG!! why?!?! Easily fixed, yes I know, but I will never understand why closing them is so easily forgotten. The last thing on this last has its own pros and cons, My hubby is a morning person.... I am a coffee person. Every morning he POPS up out of bed and is ready to start his day. I on the other hand roll over about 5 times before I am actually ready to touch my feet to the floor, then slug my way to the coffee pot. At which time he has seen me and I hear  "Hey Baby!..." and he begins the monolog of his morning and what he saw and how he slept. I am reaching for the coffee cup and he continues about social media and the weather. I place my cup in its spot and hit the button, vaguely catch the highlights of something funny our son did (which is probably why my ears perked up in the first place). He goes on about a number of things which I can not decipher over the clinking of my spoon on the sides of the mug knowing that my first sip is only moments away. The entire time he is talking away never pausing to receive input ( hence the reason I called it a monolog) and it isn't until I am half way done my coffee do I say "Babe, I love you, but you are overloading me with information". At which point he smiles and kisses me and says " I'm sorry, drink your coffee." The pro to this little quirk of my husband is if there was ever an emergency in the middle of the night/ early morning, he will gladly talk to anyone/ everyone about what happened.
So there is our little family bio, with a fun little insight into our lives :)

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