Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cloth diapers

I LOVE cloth diapers.  I truly mean that. We used disposables for 4 solid months then made the switch. Not only do they save money but they are so stinkin cute! Here's a little insight into our journey with the big switch.
Before our son was born I was repulsed by the idea of cloth diapers. I hated the thought of handling poo and throwing waste into the washing machine. After our little guy got here I realized several things: he has very senstive skin, blow outs happen, throwing away outfits isn't a option so poo will go into the washer, and lastly your going to touch poo. Period. 
Once all of these thing became an inevitable reality, I started to noticed the amount of money and diapers we were going through and really started researching cloth diapers. What got my attention was the savings, what sparked my interest was the eco - friendliness, what sold me was how much his skin healed. Not that he walked around with diaper rash constantly but his bum was always just a little red.
I researched everything I could to find out how to switch completely.  And my only advice is JUST DO IT. There is so much information out there and everyone has their own way of doing things. Find what works best for you and your family and GO FOR IT. Believe me you won't look back.
The only problem I have now is to stop buying them :) we started out with pockets, then I purchased some aio (all-in-one) on a whim because they were on sale. I call these the Daddy dipe. There is not stuffing or matching you just fold and go! Hubs loves these but sadly we only have 3. So i have been slowly adding more aios to the stash. We can go 3 days before having to wash dipes, and that's with a whole on standby, so we could probably go 5 days before HAVING to do diaper laundry. Hmm.. I didn't realize that until just now. That's nice :)
I have also been adding to the stash for baby #2, not that there is one on the way but we've been talking ;)

So there's my little piece on the fluffy bum community. If you want to, go for it!

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